Mr. Bharat Gupta
Dear Friends
“All those who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.” – Aristotle
Education cannot be confined to schools, colleges and universities. It is a life-long process. What we know and do and need to know and do, cannot all be taught by any school. But the school performs a very big service. It equips the learner with basic tools of learning and provides him with the fundamentals of knowledge so that the learner reaches a stage where he is capable of learning on his own. In this sense, the teacher ceases to be a mere giver of knowledge and turns a facilitator. The school transforms itself from a place of learning the three R’s to a centre of human resource development where, in addition to normal routine transaction of curriculum, the innate talents and abilities of the learners are unearthed, developed and broughtÂ